New Zealand has a serious problem: Students shivering in cold, damp, mouldy homes

New Zealand has a serious problem: Students shivering in cold, damp, mouldy homes

Mould has been in the news again with new research from University of Otago, Wellington finding students are more than twice as likely to live in cold, damp and mouldy homes than the general population.

Covid-19, has seen more students who might previously have been keeping warm in university libraries are now staying home which means spending more time in poor conditions and “Students said their mental health was affected as well as their physical health.”

With Covid-19 continuing to spread it has become more challenging for students. “We’re starting to understand how important it is to keep the windows open to minimise spread – so if the windows are open it’s even harder to keep warm and stay healthy.”

The Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns also put students under financial strain, which meant many simply couldn’t afford to stay warm in their homes which has contributed to the growing mouldy homes problem.
Check out the full NZ Herald article – here